Well, this week was fairly uneventful running wise. It's taper time. I was expecting to feel a little stir crazy, but actually this week felt really good. Compared to running 20 miles last week running only 10 for the long run felt really really good and I was able to keep my pace/mile a full minute faster than my 20 mile run average. I've mainly been focusing on how happy I am to be running less, feeling a little less tired and having a little more time to relax (although i've still been spending way too much time in the lab!), then it hit me: "oh my god, in a few weeks I will be running a marathon!". This is real. Duh right? At this point I actually am looking forward to running the marathon!
The weather has been SO MUCH nicer. Cooler temperatures, less humidity. I love fall. It is the best running weather. He's a shot of the path that has become one of my favorites.
Here's the weekly recap:
Saturday - 6.25 miles
Friday - off
Thursday - 7.01 miles
Wednesday - weights
Tuesday 5.26 miles. No speedwork this week, I couldn't get out of work to make it to the track. It's probably best, my legs were feeling like lead weights still from sunday's 20 miles.
Monday - off
Weekly Total: 28.53 miles