Thursday, September 23, 2010

Taper Time!

Whew! Last week was rough. It was my highest weekly mileage, and Thursday afternoon I came down with a cold. Ugh. I had planned on breaking up my planned 10 miler into 6 in the morning and 4 in the evening. I managed to get the 6 in the morning, but by thursday afternoon there was no way I was putting in 4 more. I went straight to bed, slept for 12 hours and actually felt better when I woke up, so Friday evening I put in 6 more miles. Sunday's 20 miles didn't go quite as easily as the first 20 miler, but I made it through taking a couple of walk breaks.

Now, it's taper time. I'm a little torn. On the one hand i'm excited to be running less milage, to hopefully be less tired, and to have a little more time to do other things. On the other hand, I know i'm going to start to feel restless and crazy.

I have myself a new pair of shoes and a new race day shirt! Don't worry, I wore them both on Sunday's 20 miler with no problems. I got the shirt off the clearance rack for $10 and was wondering why it was so cheap since there were others that I thought were just like it on the regular rack for $40. Turns out, there is a blue dot on the front of the shirt which i'm fairly sure is supposed to be in the middle, but it's way off to one side. Oh well. It's a race, not a beauty pageant and the shirt is super comfy :-)

My task for the next week: put together a playlist for the race.
It's strange, I have always been very against running races with music, but so many people have recommended it for this race in particular (due to lack of crowd support), and its not against the race rules.... so I figure I'll give it a go.

Here's the weekly update:

Sunday - 20.01 miles
Saturday - off
Friday - 6.11 miles
Thursday - 6.15 miles
Wednesday - weights
Tuesday - 3.05 miles in the morning
6 x 800 with 400 rests for a total of 4.77 in the afternoon
(total of 7.82 for the day)
Monday - off

Weekly total : 40.09 miles

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